Intrepid 21st century gym

Intrepid 21st century gym

Intrepid 21st century gym is designed to help our young and the young at heart recognise, face and start an honest, action based practice of *MENTAL * EMOTIONAL *SPIRITUAL & *PHYSICAL HEALTH AWARENESS through the use of CIRCUS THERAPY. My personal experience has shown it’s never easy to talk about or work on welling being alone, particularly if our heads are filled fear, anxiety, shame and insecurities, I call this FASI. Our mind plays games that we are not good enough, don’t deserve to win, that know one understand or that doing the work is to hard. We can not start healing without revealing our fear, anxieties, shame and insecurities, including our families deepest issues, this why Circus therapy is so important, it gives a foundation to draw from highlighting our powers of courage, risk and love. You are never alone on this journey. Studies show that parents, teachers, professional athletes, police, doctors even many of our world leaders don’t know they are struggling with mental and emotional conditions. We may not have all the answers, but you need to know you are not alone. We will be there for every new skill, ever scary challenge and every fall you take. Without the falls, the mistakes and failures we can not unlock and begin healing mentally, emotionally, spiritually or physically.

Come on, it’s time to master your mind and defy the odds.

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