The Devil's Knot

The Devil's Knot (2018)

 The Devil's Knot 
(2018) on IMDb
The Devil's Knot

During the slavery period in Brazil, a sugar cane farm was the stage for the darkest kinds of horrors. Years later, the place's cruel past is still stained in its walls, even if unnoticed, until a series of strange events starts happening and death returns to the farm. The film is divided in five short horror stories.

[PORTUGUES] Há dois séculos, no período da escravidão, uma fazenda canavieira era palco de horrores. Anos depois, o passado cruel permanece marcado nas paredes do local, mesmo que ninguém perceba. Eventos estranhos começam a se desenvolver e a morte torna-se evidente. Cinco contos de horror ilustram a narrativa.

Release Date
June 28, 2018
  • Portuguese
Original Title
O Nó do Diabo
128 min

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